Advisory Boards

Members of Township appointed Boards, Committees, and Commissions serve on a volunteer basis.  Once appointed by Mayor and Council, they shall serve for their appointed terms and then will need to be reappointed to a subsequent term.  Appointments to each Board, Committee and Commissioin are made at re-organization (first meeting of each year); and, therefore, applications will be considered on a first come, first serve basis.
Volunteers serve on the following Township Boards, Committees and Commissions:
  • Economic Development Committee
  • Environmental Commission
  • Equal Opportunity Advisory Committee
  • Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee
  • Planning Board
  • Veterans' Advisory Board
  • Zoning Board

Equal Opportunity Advisory Committee

The Committee promotes community-wide, harmonious relations among all people and groups in the Township without regard to color, race, religion, gender, disability, etc.; encourages local and minority participation on our Township Boards, Committees and Commissions.

Environmental Commission

The Commission is established for the protection, development or use of natural resources within the Township; studies and makes recommentations concerning development within the Township.

Economic Development Committee

The Committee actively promotes and seeks to attract environmentally and socially responsible commercial and industrial development in the Township; develops a strategic plan for business growth and local jobs; advocates for new and improved transportation.

Volunteer for a Board, Committee and/or Commission

All members of the following appointed Boards, Committees and Commissions serve on a volunteer basis.  Once appointed by Mayor and Council, they shall serve for their appointed terms and then need to be reappointed to a subsequent term.  Appointments to each Board, Committee and Commission are made at re-organization (first meeting of each year); and, therefore, applications will be considered on a first come, first serve basis. 
Volunteers serve on the following Boards, Committees and Commissions: 
  • Veterans' Advisory Board
  • Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee
  • Environmental Commission
  • Economic Development Committee
  • Equal Opportunity Advisory Committee
  • Planning Board
  • Zoning Board