Purchasing Objectives
To procure the required supplies, equipment, and services for Township Departments, always insuring the right quality and quantity, from the best sources and at the best price and guaranteeing items and services will be delivered on time and at the proper location.
Purchasing Policies
The Purchasing Division is responsible for the procurement of all Township equipment, supplies and services at the lowest possible cost while maintaining a process of fairness and integrity. It helps monitor department budgets and spending and serves as a liaison with Township Vendors.
The Purchasing Agent monitors the Township's compliance with the Local Public Contract Law, helps develop bid specifications and oversees all public bid openings. The Purchasing Agent is also responsible for the preparation of a public auction, insuring the Township obtains the greatest possible revenue from the disposal of surplus, scrap, obsolete materials and equipment. The Purchasing Agent is also charged with maintaining the Township's Fixed Asset Inventory. The Purchasing Agent is the Township's liaison with the New Jersey State Cooperative Purchasing Program and the Atlantic County Cooperative Purchasing Group.
How companies can do business with Galloway Township
All governmental entities whether Federal, State, County, Municipal, Authorities, or School Districts provide vital services to the public. To provide these services, all governmental entities must purchase goods and services from public and private sector suppliers. The Purchasing Division of Galloway Township maintains a list of vendors and also uses other sources of information to seek out vendors who offer the commodity or service that is needed.
Bid and Proposal Information
Public Notice of Procurement Opportunities and Awards
The Township of Galloway provides public notice of solicitations by posting to this web site, a public bid board located in the offices of the Purchasing Division and a newspaper of general circulation. Bids and proposals are posted for a minimum of 10 working days before opening of competitive sealed bids, or closing of competitive proposals. Requests for proposals generally close 30 days after they are issued.
Soliciting Bids and Proposals
The Purchasing Division maintains a listing of Request for Proposals (RFP) and Invitations for Bid (IFB) under Current Bid Opportunities. When submitted, your bid or proposal must be signed by an official authorized to enter contract and must be delivered sealed to the Township Clerk. Bids must be received prior to the opening time specified on the bid requests. Proposals must be received by the proposal closing date specified in the RFP.
Bid Openings
All bids are opened and read publicly by the Municipal Clerk and Purchasing Agent. The time, date and location are shown on the bid request. After public opening, official bid results are not available until they have been tabulated and analyzed. Official bid results are generally available for public review in the Purchasing Division after contract award.
Bids, RFPs, and RFQs (2025)
31 January 20252.42 MB633 downloads
02 December 20241.17 MB1200 downloads
document 2025 RFP PROFESSIONALS Popular06 November 20245.82 MB1410 downloads